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In Decoratel we are one of the leading textile companies in our country . Certify each and every one of our products.

In Decoratel , give utmost safety importnacia why all our products meet strict and rigorous policy alternatives preventive fire safety in public assembly facilities.

Always providing each of our facilities, official certificates necessary and required by the various administrations and authorities.

Thus , we guarantee not only a product of the highest quality, but it also meets all required specifications.

Regulations as NBE.CPI -96 or the recent Euroclase 2000 ( which also prove their fire rating M1, also the new Class A are provided, which are tested and analyzed various parameters such as dribbling, density or toxicity smoke).

Curtains for theaters

If you have any doubt in this regard , please consult our technical advice which will take care to inform you about the different regulations to comply, by type usage and activity of its dependencies.

All this , without leaving aside the importance of design, color and style of the different fabrics used, which must be in harmony and integrated into the existing decor.


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